Monday, 14 September 2009

Crying in the loo

After a 13 year career in marketing I've just resigned. I've wanted to leave the industry for probably 5 years - having realised that sobbing in the loo over branding workshops or return-on-investment calculations wasn't terribly normal. In parallel, I think I've also accepted that my interest in food, cooking and all things gourmet wasn't just a greedy phase but a lifelong, unhealthy obsession that I should just embrace.
So, with no savings and a vague idea to try to find a job in a foodie-sort-of-shop, we (long suffering boyfriend and I) are going to be economically challenged in a way that we haven't been before.
I've started this blog to record my ideas for ways to continue my food snobbery on a very limited budget. I'll share my tips and recipes, my challenges and triumphs and, of course, I'll let you know if there's any crying in the loo.

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